Looking for ways to keep your electric bills down in the summer while keeping your home warm in the winter? Foam roofing is an exceptional method of waterproofing and insulating your roof. It provides a leak-free seal over your roof made from seamless polyurethane. The lightweight material offers a solid solution to lowering your energy bills and adding improvement value in your home. Foam roofs are self-flashing and durable. Trust Jack the Roofer of Arizona install your next foam roof.
Foam roofs are sprayed on and do not require joints, seams or fasteners. They are heat resistant and extremely energy efficient. During the summer they keep your home cooler with heat reflectors, thus giving you a lower air conditioning bill. It does not end there however; the investment value in a foam roof is doubled in the winter when the foam acts as a barrier to keep warmth sealed into your home. The installation of a foam roof pays for itself in a matter of months, giving your home resilient protection for decades.
Foam roofs use state-of-the-art adhesives which protect your roof from storms and heavy winds. They resist water, ultra violet rays and bad weather. They also provide wind-lift resistance, up to three times that of roofs without foam. Another amazing benefit of foam roofs is that they can be used to fix water accumulation on roofs. This is achieved by building up low-lying areas with foam and forcing water to reach sloping drains for removal.
The application of a foam roof is achievable on old construction as well as new construction. It can be applied around roof-mounted equipment such as an air conditioning unit or satellite dish. The application around sky lights, pipes, stacks, vents and other such areas offers added protection which cannot be beat with any other type of insulation material. Foam roofs have the highest “R” value, which means they provide the highest level of thermal protection. They are resistant to mold, mildew and fungi and they will not attract pests.
Maintenance of a polyurethane system is easy. Any needed repairs are quick. An occasional recoating of protective acrylic allows your system to last for decades. Repairs are made with caulking and a hand-held caulking gun. Fixes are quick and inexpensive. While the spray polyurethane system is light in weight, it is rigid and will not sag. If maintained properly the roof will last for the life of your home. Save tens of thousands of dollars by never having to reroof your home again. Foam roofs are a wise investment that will never let you down.
The polyurethane material dries in seconds. You can walk on a foam roof and it withstands normal wear and tear. Minimize your electric bill costs by as much as 30 to 70 percent. The advanced technology of foam roofs keep buildings and homes comfortable and weather resistant. When you look at the long-term benefits of proper water drainage, extreme longevity, seamless protection that will not sag or bend, and significant energy savings it is easy to see why foam roofs have become the unbeatable industry standard. Millions of households and businesses agree, a foam roof is the best investment you can make for the money.